Gentle. Comfortable. Nearly invisible.

Being one of the first orthodontic practices in Berlin to use the Invisalign® Treatment, we have been offering treatment with almost invisible braces for over ten years. In 2013 we were distinguished with the Invisalign® Platin Status. In 2020 and 2021 our "Praxis für Kieferorthopädie" was awarded the Invisalign® Diamond Apex Status.

We are available for consultation not only for children and adolescents, but also foradults (Invisalign Teen®) ,using soft and almost invisible treatment methods. So it will be easy for you to say, on the way to your dream smile: "Braces - Of course!"

Das richtige für mich?


The almost invisible braces of the Invisalign® method are now available for adolescents and children with Invisalign Teen®.

Braces by Invisalign Teen® offer a truly new option compared to previous braces: they are transparent, unobtrusive and suited to the particular needs of young patients.

What is the difference between Invisalign® and Invisalign Teen®?

Invisible braces by Invisalign Teen® function in the same way as the Invisalign® braces for adults.

The teeth are brought to their optimum position little by little with every new transparent plastic brace (Aligner). Invisible braces by Invisalign Teen® function completely without metal or wire.

Extras von Invisalign Teen®



Invisalign® gibt´s jetzt auch für Kinder.

Transparent, ohne beim Sprechen zu stören und so gut wie unsichtbar korrigiert Invisalign® zahlreiche Fehlstellungen - jetzt auch bei kleinen Patienten.

Aber kindgerecht: Schließlich sind Heranwachsende ständig in Bewegung. Invisalign® hat die passenden Funktionen, sogar für Kinder zwischen 6 und 10.

Invisalign first® entdecken


Ersttermin vereinbaren



With children it is especially important to detect misalignment of the teeth and jaws as well as any malfunctions early, and to target the support necessary for the natural development of teeth. This can sometimes already be necessary with milk teeth.

Have you noticed something about the placement of your child's teeth, or has your dentist or the school dentist notified you of maldevelopment? We will be delighted to be of further assistence.

Übrigens: Die fast nicht sichtbare Behandlung mit Invisalign® gibt`s jetzt auch für Kinder.

Kontakt aufnehmen Invisalign® First entdecken



Nothing is more lovely than a beautiful smile - and it is never too late to have one. Nowadays, an orthodontic treatment is possible at any age.

For adults we can offer particular unobtrusive treatment devices like the Invisalign brace or ceramic brackets. The result is not only beautiful straight teeth, for often the correction can improve mastication and the conservation of the mandibular joint.

Invisalign® for Adults



The removable braces, like the coloured active plate or bracesfunctional orthodontic for growth control for example are individually made out of plastic, and are most often used for children and adolescents.

Lose Zahnspange Berlin

Active plate

The active plate is made of plastic and wire parts. Brackets make sure that the brace holds, springs or screws work on the position of teeth and changes in the jaw.

Herausnehmbare Zahnspange Berlin

Bracesfunctional orthodontic

The functional orthodontic braces like Bionator, Activator, Function Regulator lie loosely in the mouth, work on both jaws simultaneously and are most efficient during the growth phase. Due to the functional power of the body´s musculature, the position of the teeth and jaw can be gently corrected.


Treatment with a fixed brace can be the best solution in certain situations. The most common here is the Multibandapparatur. It is composed of brackets and replaceable bows, which together can cause the most extensive movement of teeth.

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